The Meetup 📱

The Meetup! This grew out of the isolation felt during the Covid lockdowns. It is a space created for professional makeup artists, or anyone interested to “meetup” for an hour, discuss a theme, ask questions and learn from each other.. I love this:  a safe space and no judgment! It is also the occasion to propose certain themes that I feel would be of interest. I started off 2022 with the theme “SKIN” … We invited the renowned Oscar winning makeup artist Michele Burke to take us on a deep dive direct from Los Angeles! This year I wished to talk about AI and the future of our work. We invited the fantastic Makeup artist who now works in AI full time, Katerina Hakkanssan live from Sweden, who generously shared her passion with us. Each time our community grows and I have had the pleasure to meet some of us when traveling to New York, Milan or Paris.